Our classes are designed to cater to all ages and stages - including adults.
Mammy & Me
Irish dancing for mums & bubs
A great introduction to Irish dance for 2-3 year olds. This 20 minute class is structured to stimulate coordination skills, listening skills, balance, music interpretation and motor development in the youngest dancers. Mums (or dads!) participate in the class too!
Saturday 10am
Especially for new beginners
An introduction to music, rhythm and simple Irish Dance steps. This class is aimed at children aged 3-5 and is based on learning through fun.
Saturday 10.30am
Little Jiggers
Now you're ready to learn a reel!
Aimed at graduates of the Pre-Jiggers class, dancers are moving on to learn beginner dances in their light shoes. This class is suitable for new and existing dancers aged 5-10.
Wednesday 4pm
Saturday 11am
Treble Makers
It’s time to make some noise!
As well as practising the balletic soft shoe dances, dancers start to learn rhythmic hard shoe dances. Dancers at this level are also encouraged to compete in local feiseanna - Irish dance competitions.
Wednesday 5pm
Saturday 12pm
Reel Deal
For those who want to compete
Dancers in our Reel Deal class compete in Championship events such as the State & National Championships, as well as interstate and overseas competitions. These classes comprise of stamina training, technique drills, strength & conditioning, and performance training in order to get our dancers “competition ready”.
Monday 4.30pm
Thursday 4.30pm
Saturday 1.30pm
Monday 6.30pm
Wednesday 6.30pm
Saturday 8am
Adults Only
Revive those Irish dance steps you learnt as a child or learn a completely new skill
What better way to kick-start the weekend than with an Irish jig - a fantastic workout guaranteed to raise your spirits!
Thursday 7pm
*Please note that class times are subject to change due to studio and teacher availability